With Tim Burton directing Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter, Crispin Glover, Voices of Stephen Frye and Alan Rickman you’d think there’d be a spectacular spectacle of fantastic fantasy and there is, but I was looking for something more. The performances were very good. The set dressing and costuming were visually stunning as you’d expect from Burton. The story was interesting, but not inspiring. Maybe I wanted more logic puzzles and clever turns of phrase from the books. Burton had to do something fresh and adding the Jabberwock sub plot is a good idea. Still, while entertaining I had higher expectations. I saw the film twice, so I paid my dues. I first saw it in the regular 2D, then saw it again in 3D. There was little to recommend the 3D version and it was rather distracting. Later I found out that creating the 3D version was a post production effort and it wasn’t really made with 3D in mind. This was evident to me. Burton used a great deal of live action that could’ve/would’ve been easier to do with CG had it been planned for 3D. Oh, and Avril Lavigne’s theme song for the movie is excellent. The percussive elements are dramatic and very emotive and it is a great pop song. I downloaded it from Amazon’s music store (cheaper than iTunes had it) as soon as I got home from the movie. Alice was good, but I wonder how it could have been better.