The James Bond movie franchise is once again on a roll. Daniel Craig has taken over the role and plays a much darker and deadly Bond than we have ever seen before. Some might think he is closer to Ian Fleming’s book Bond, but I’d say it’s more in line with the trend in super hero like action we seem to expect from our protagonists these days. Any good agent has to be able to fight multiple opponents by hand or gun and, after a bit of punishment, ultimately prevail. By land, sea, or air (and in this case all three) there will be chases and fast paced action that must try to outdo the last episode. Quantum picks up where Casino Royale left off and is full speed ahead from the start. Where Casino Royale had a bit more plot and story to introduce the new Bond, Quantum just lets Craig loose and he takes us for a ride. His cold blooded character is still surprisingly charismatic and I can’t help but like the way the franchise is moving. I like the action. The story isn’t the deepest, nor the villain(s) the most megalomaniacal, but Bond is back and he’s always fun to watch.