Transporter 3: It knows what you want and delivers.
Movie Reviews December 1st. 2008, 8:41pmAction movies should be full of action. The bad guys are bad and the good guy is good. Expectations were not high for this film and I wasn’t disappointed. Jason Statham is the little big man who can’t be stopped no matter what impossible situation he’s forced into. He out MacGyvers MacGyver. There are highly choreographed fight scenes that would impress the best of Hong Kong in its prime. The over the top and impossible driving exploits are campy and reminiscent of Smokey and the Bandit (Jason Statham doesn’t wear a rug, however). There will be no Oscar nominations coming out of this, but if you like cars, guns and fights, then you’ll be happy with this latest installment of the Transporter. It is certainly a guy thing.