It doesn’t matter how it happens, only that it does. I’ve been waiting for the zombie apocalypse since first seeing Dawn of the Dead on HBO at my friend’s house and then seeing Night of the Living Dead. I keep a copy of The Zombie Survival Guide handy and believe you can never have too much ammunition. Sean of the Dead was a great twist on the genre, being an overt comedy, and very enjoyable.  In Zombieland Jesse Eisenberg is the dweeb hero who gives us some simple rules for living in a world with flesh eating undead. He runs into the king of zombie killers, Woody Harrelson, and the fun begins. I don’t know the psychology behind our love of killing zombies, but this film makes it very entertaining. The contrast of normal vs. abnormal vs. the new normal is interesting even in a farce such as this. Bill Murray has the cameo of the year and is worth the price of admission in itself. Of course there is a love interest, because after the end of the world we always need a new Adam and Eve. If you like zombies, and who doesn’t, you’ll like Zombieland.