A wonderful ensemble and an interesting story based on some real crazy things the government tried should make for great movie. This has some great scenes and performances, but the whole kind of left me scratching my head. George Clooney is great as a crazy psychic warrior that takes Ewan McGregor on quite a wild journey. Jeff Bridges plays the officer in charge and is essentially “The Dude” in a uniform. Still a funny character. The best part of the film is the interaction between the dweebish McGregor and Clooney’s bipolar character. Through flashbacks we are told the story of this experimental military project and things are delightfully bizarre and humorous. Things fall apart in the end when there is a need to bring things back to the real world and try to give meaning to the whole adventure. It gets dumb at that point or maybe too bizarre, in any case it ends for me on a flat note that is disappointing. Three quarters of the movie is very good, so if you skip the last 15-20 minutes, you’ll have seen the best parts and can end on a high note.