Comets, climate change, aliens, and Plagues oh my! How many ways have we seen the world end over the years? Personally, I think it will be the zombies that get us, but in 2012 it is the Sun just as the Mayans predicted. John Cusack is our hero who is trying to save his family when he discovers the government has been hiding the truth from the people about the end of the world. What ensues is the reason for the film: special effects. The entire movie is based on the effects of the world coming apart. Things falling, volcanoes erupting, waves crashing, all forms of destruction that can be imagined. The goal is to make it as realistic as possible and they do a pretty good job. But can effects carry an entire movie? Not for most adults anyway. Cusack is a good actor and he carries off his role as the loser ex-husband who turns out to be a hero. Does he get the wife back? Does he save his kids? Is there any hope for Humanity? I’ll let you guess. There have been worse disaster movies and the effects will keep you mesmerized for awhile, so if there is nothing else to see, this might be worth a look.