Some of us are old enough to have grown up watching Gumby, Davey & Goliath, most of us can’t go a Christmas without watching Rudolph, many of us love Wallace and Gromit and Tim Burton is one of the masters of the genre. Claymation as it was called has a long history in film. Using clay or flexible models or puppets gives a unique look that goes beyond cartoon animation. The look of this film is simply delightful. The cuteness of the animals is almost overwhelming. The detail of the sets is astounding. Your eyes are constantly finding new things to observe. Coupled with incredible voice acting and you have a truly fantastic film. George Clooney is the Voice of Mr. Fox and the wit and charm that I hate him for comes out perfectly. The voices of Meryl Streep, Bill Murray, Jason Schwartzman, Owen Wilson, et al. are perfectly suited to their characters as well. The story is by Roald Dahl and is the solid foundation that the script and scenery are built upon. I couldn’t help but smile throughout the entire movie, and that is very unusual for me. Kids might be a little bored because a lot of the story is dialog, clever and intelligent dialog that adults will enjoy, but may be over the heads of smaller children. There is nothing I didn’t like about this movie. If you don’t see it and don’t love it, then you are probably just an idiot.