From Paris with Love: The Bourne Identity meets Pulp Fiction.
Movie Reviews February 24th. 2010, 10:37pmWhile not quite as good as either, this movie is solid action fun. The plot has has enough twist to keep it interesting and Travolta is very good as the manic ‘operator’ who specializes in wet work. Jonathan Rhys Meyers is the wannabe agent who gets more than he bargained for when assigned to help Travolta on a mission. The Paris background is not bad to look at and there is enough action, gun play, and violence to keep most males entertained throughout the movie. I would wish the gun handling was more realistic, but this is an over the top caricature of cloak and dagger work and realism doesn’t sell tickets. There is the obligatory car chases and explosions of course, drug cartels and bad guys of every ethnicity. You’ve seen it before and you’ll probably see it again. If it’s done well with some witty dialog and memorable characters, then I’ll spend the money and enjoy the ride.
March 12th, 2010 at 11:47 pm
I thought this movie looked interesting I have yet to see it though. I probably will after reading your review. I didn’t expect a great plot but the action will probably keep me in my seat. I am male after all.
October 17th, 2015 at 4:08 pm
Yrsaon Samme1la af0 f3fearfi se9 af0 draga ff3lk ed dilka, forde6ma, skammast fat ed og banna e1kvef0na tedsku. En e9g held af0 feaf0 geri feaf0 fe6stir ed raun og veru, feaf0 kemur knanski fat feannig. c9g held af0 feegar feetta tiltekna vif0fangsefni ber e1 gf3ma fee1 se9 ff3lk frekar hre6tt vif0 af0 eitthvaf0 eitt se9 af0 verf0a normif0 (he1rleysi) og allt annaf0 (t.d. he1rprfdf0i) se9 fee1 e1litif0 f3gef0slegt, f3feriflegt, osfrv. Og margir setja auf0vitaf0 fat e1 ed feessum me1lum af0 einhverju sem se9 ekki f6llum af0 skapi af0 gera, finnst feaf0 jafnvel se1rt og f3fee6gilegt, se9 gert svo undir ferfdstingi se9rstaklega af ungum stelpum. c9g styf0 heils hugar fjf6lbreytni, og minn e1hugi e1 vif0fangsefninu hefur alltaf verif0 umfram allt sprottinn fram af einske6rum e1huga e1 menningarlegum skedrskotunum he1rtedsku (feved he1r er auf0vitaf0 ekki bara he1r) og svo stf6ku sinnum reynt af0 taka upp hanskann fyrir grey he1rin sem lf6gf0 eru ed einelti, en ekki beint af0 gagnrfdna he1rleysi