Babylon A.D.: The A.D. is for Absolutely Dreadful.
Movie Reviews September 7th. 2008, 12:07pmI like Vin Diesel. He has had some good character roles and was pretty good in XXX. I’d like to think he takes himself seriously as an actor, but this latest disaster makes me wonder. The movie is a mess from beginning to end. The story makes little sense and the dialog is laughable. Vin tries to do some Clint Eastwood one liners to no avail. The editing leaves me questioning what was left out and how bad it had to be to not make it into this film. It is clear that money was invested to make a film in order to make more money. Pay some actors and some effects people and turn out some formulaic sci-fi action movie. The first weekend sales will hopefully payoff enough before word of mouth gets out. DVD sales will bring in the rest, I guess. There are good stories and good film makers waiting for a chance to turn them into movies. That movies like this are allowed to be made is depressing and represents a cancer that infects the entire industry. I took this one for the team, so you don’t have too.