Poetry & Prose July 4th. 2008, 2:32amCarpool
It wasn’t raining very hard at the time, but it had been.
I must have run into a deep pool of standing water in the road.
Instantly the car veers right and starts spinning.
Once or twice I can’t recall. Time slows, and still it happens so fast.
Nothing is heard. The vehicle is circling me as I don’t seem to be moving.
The steering wheel isn’t doing its job. Why doesn’t it work?
A distant crunch is felt more than heard. Immediate deceleration.
Was that me crashing into something?
Locked into the seat by ingenious restraints I’m moving backwards,
Rebounding like a pool ball off the rail,
And without warning here comes another car.
Acura corner pocket!
October 17th, 2015 at 4:23 pm
Pin my tail and call me a doeykn, that really helped.
May 12th, 2016 at 9:33 pm
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