Righteous Kill: Deniro & Pacino should have killed the project.
Movie Reviews October 11th. 2008, 8:33amYou would think two iconic actors would not allow themselves to be part of a less than stellar production, but you’d be wrong. I suppose if someone delivered a dump truck of money at your door, you’d find some merit in their proposal. This film could have been a winner had the story been a bit more original and not so obvious with the plot twists. Pacino and Deniro do work well together. Their early scenes make you understand why they are the best of their breed. They take the craft seriously. But the story goes over the top and no amount of suspended disbelief can make the plot work. Maybe the director and writer had a greater vision and the producers forced them to make another formulaic psycho-drama, no one is confessing yet. You may not be as disappointed as me if you concentrate on the actors and not the story, but overall this movie fails.
December 30th, 2015 at 3:45 am
I was very curious to hear what you thuhgot of this film, and I must say, the blog review was MUCH better than your snarky comments over the phone :PThis sounds like a bit of a disappointment for an action film, and I probably won’t check it out myself. The trailer looked too intense and confusing, and your review made it sound like the only good part was Liam Neeson 😛
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